Get in touch.

Make sure that you have familiarised yourself with my website, it will reveal my style and what I enjoy most. It will help you make an informed opinion as whether we are suited or not and will prevent both of us wasting time. Do spend some time reading about my background, preferences and what I value in my devotees and patrons.


I enjoy working in an atmosphere of mutual trust with individuals with whom I share interests in BDSM and who become my devotees.  

Your 'Introduction email'

I regard communication as essential and request you to be candid in your correspondence. From this material, I can paint your psychosexual portrait and create sessions perfectly tailored to your psychology that will be enjoyable for both of us.

This screening procedure is important to me, therefore you must follow these instructions:

You will receive serious consideration for a session if you submit a written 'Introduction email' that is well thought out, concise and demonstrates that you have familiarised yourself with the contents of my website. In addition, the following information is compulsary:


•  Your first and last name (whether real or alias) - So that I can identify you. Find an unusual name that I can easily recognise. 

•  The city and country where you live.

•  A telephone number.

•  Your prefered date and time to book a session.

•  Your interests and the activities you would like to explore with me and your level of play. 

•  Your health problems if you have any. the medications you are taking if any, and whether you have any limitations that would restrict your range of movement.

•  Who you have served 

•  Do not send photos