After a  life time of various experiences following my passions sometimes successfully, often at great emotional and physical cost, always learning, I came to a place of extreme creativity when I finally allowed myself to follow the path less traveled of sexual deviance and embraced the profession of Dominatrix. 

As a Professional and Life Style Mistress I have helped transform the lives of men, women and couples and will continue as long as Life grants me energy and creativity.

As a BDSM transformational life coach and mentor I am reaching out to members  - Lifestyle and Professionals alike - individuals and couples -of our wonderful world who wish to explore issues they might encounter in their erotic lives, explore territories they might have not travelled yet and much more. I wish also to reach out to a wider community of Women and Men, Cis and Trans, Inter and Gender Fluid who are curious about their sexuality and their relationships. 

I believe it is in evading our truths and in avoiding our shadows, that we deny our own healing. Spending a lifetime orbiting our brilliance, our joy, our pleasure, our agency, never becoming fully expressed or able to project our gifts out into the world, we live circumscribed lives like somnambulists.

I am committed to sharing awareness through BDSM and guiding others in self-discovery and healing. I am committed to guide those of you who have taken up the challenge of exploring and embracing this fundamental dimension of their essence with authenticity and courage.

BDSM mentoring objectives 

  • Educate & inform those new to or within the lifestyle community through mentoring and workshops.

  • Advise and consult to BDSM professionals on lifestyle practices and values.

  • Provide individuals, couples and groups with personal advice & professional guidance to help develop confidence and skills.

  • Enhance my clients’s self-awareness, interpersonal tools, and communication techniques

  • Introduce and refine practical applications and use of a variety of tools, techniques, and equipment.

  • BDSM coaching and mentoring partnerships are part coaching and mentoring talking sessions and part “hands on” BDSM sessions with either your slave or mine. Each programme is bespoke to the indivual or the couple who is seeking support.

What BDSM coaching & mentoring is NOT

  1. BDSM coaching and mentoring is not psychotherapy. Some clients may need more intensive therapy to help them move through any concerns, especially those experiencing severe mental health distress or trauma.

  2. BDSM coaching is not BDSM session. This is “talk-only” and as your coach and mentor I do not offer, during these explorations, a BDSM session.

For bold bespoke coaching, exploration and BDSM mentoring

    • Holistic

    • Person-centered

    • Sex-positive

    • Dynamic

    • Collaborative

    • Non-hierarchical

    • Empowering

    • Healing

    • Holistic

    • Person-centered

    • Sex-positive

    • Goal-oriented

    • Dynamic

    • Collaborative

    • Educative

    • Empowering